Electrical – 1 Hot Wire. 2 Breakers. 2 Circuits


I have a duplex outlet that appears to wired in series. The outlet appears to have 12/2 in and 12/2 out. My hot wire from the breaker box remains hot unless I have 2 different breakers off. I am getting 124V at the outlet. My voltage remains the same with both breakers, just breaker 1, or breaker 2. I have AF / GF breakers and I am not getting a fault code on either breaker.

I am using AF/GR breakers because there is no ground wire (I have an old home) and because the wires are <5.5 I am installing TR outlets. The plates are marked appropriately.

When I disconnect the opposite set of wires, I loose power to my outlets. This is regardless of what combination of breaker is on.

There is only one hot wire (when the outlet is disconnected) in the box. The other black wire does not have power. My neutrals also do not have power.

Do you know why this is occurring? What would you do if you were in my shoes?

enter image description here

Best Answer

After going through 20+ outlets, switches, and lights I finally found the issue. Big thank you to everyone for their words of advice. 2 black wires and "common" were incorrectly wired from a switch to a light. Basically they ran a black and white wire to the switch making the common hot (of course the white wire wasn't marked with tape) Then they tied 2 black wires together with that common at the light. I completely removed that entire rats nest of confusion and ran new wires for that portion of the circuit. My entire circuit is now GF/AF protected, free of hot neutrals, TR outlets, and most importantly only works off of 1 breaker.