Electrical – 10-30 Plug Doesn’t Fit 10-30 Outlet


I have a dryer plugged into a (seemingly modified) 10-30 nema outlet.

Instead of the ends of the prongs having a short 45 degree angle before the end of the prong, the dryer prongs seem to have been shaved down so that the width of the end of the prong is a centimeter short than the base of the prong.

When I try to plug a new 10-30 nema plug into this outlet, it stops half way.

Is there a name for this type of plug? Can I get an adapter for my new plug? Would I risk breaking anything (or burning my house) if I shaved down the ends of the new plug to match the dryer plug so that it fits?

Best Answer

Not to be a kill joy but this plug and receptacle is the old style that no longer meets code for a residential clothes dryer connection. It does not provide independent means for ground. I don't recommend cutting anything to 'make it work'. Consider a new four wire circuit cable with new approved matching plug and receptacle.