Electrical – 240v reading on a 120v outlet


enter image description hereenter image description hereI just got back from visiting the house I am moving into in two weeks. I was checking out the electrical circuits in the garage to see how I will be able to run my woodworking tools. I did not get around to checking the amperage on the circuits because the simple test for live receptacles gave voltages that threw me. There is a circuit for a Room AC with the proper outlet that reads 240 volts as it should.

The circuit over the counter over existing cabinets along one wall has two 120 v receptacles in separate boxes. When I probe the outlets I GET 240 VOLTS. There is a separate circuit with only one 120v receptacle on the back wall. It must be on a separate circuit because on it I get 40 TO 50 VOLT READINGS. Any body have any idea about what kind of jackass wiring would cause this ?

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