Electrical – 3 gang box, code specifications


I have one 3 gang box of 44ci , and it needs to house the following wires:

  • Three 14/2 wire for 3 switches.
  • one 14/3 wire
  • one Feed wire
  • one jumper wire to feed another switch

Is this box deep enough and pass the inspection with above wires?

If not what is the alternative solution, a junction box which will reduce jumper wire from 3 gang box?

Please advise.

Best Answer

There was a change to the 2020 box fill calculation but you only have 4 grounds so your totals will be the same. 14 gauge is a 2cu inch multiplier.

So you have 9 current carrying conductors

4 grounds= 1

Each switch is a 2x so 6 (a total of 12 cu in)

16 x2 = 32 cu inch if there are clamps add 2 = 34cu in

so you should be fine You have a 10 cu inch safety.

Added with the addition of the feed wire: With the addition of the feed wire 14-2 this adds 4.5 to the total for 38.5 cu inch See comments for the complete calculations. The box fill has changed and this change for 2020 increased the calculated fill by +.5 cu inch.