Electrical – ACE900 KBD prepaid electricity meter – no power on second circuit


I just bought a flat in Scotland, which has ACE900 KBD electric meter. Naturally, the mains power into the flat goes into the meter, from which there are two live outputs feeding two consumer units – one covers all the standard stuff (lights, outlets, power shower, etc) and the other smaller CU covering the electrical heating (there is no gas in the building, so everything is electric).

While lights, outlets, etc work, there is no power going into the secondary circuit and thus there is no heating in the flat. This is bad, considering the climate in Scotland.

Ideally, I wish I could sort it out myself, of course. I know my way around electricity and can deal with most of the usual stuff, however the meter is sealed and obviously I am not allowed to break the seal. So, is this something that is controlled from the outside or do I need to call the power company to come sort this out?

Best Answer

Your supplier needs to turn the Economy 7 output on. They can probably do this via an update the next time you top up with the key.

And you need to register a new account with the supplier anyway to ensure you aren't being charged for any debt or outstanding balance of the previous occupant.