Electrical – Adapter socket works and doesn’t works


The light bulb socket adapter I'm talking about is the one with two female AC plugs on each side and a you can screw a light bulb on top. I screwed this socket into my light fixture outside of my house, there's one on each side of my garage, and I screwed a light bulb into the adapter then I screwed the adapter into the light fixture outside of my house. It didn't work. When I removed the adapter form the light fixture and screwed in a light bulb into the fixture outside the light bulb when on. I took the adapter and tried it on a lamp inside of my house and it worked fine. Will not work on the light fixture outside, but the fixture works fine with a light bulb in it. I returned the adapter to Lowe's and got a new one and the same thing happened. The light fixture outside works fine with a light bulb in it, but will not work with the adapter in it. Very frustrating. I hope I explained myself well.
Hope you can help me. I'm trying to put up Xmas lights outside.

Best Answer

It is possible that the outter shell (Screw portion) of the outside lamp is longer not allowing the adapter to screw all the way in and touch the center contact. with the switch off(perferrably circuit breaker off) you might try pulling the center contact out so it will make contact. if this works you may need to place some insulating material behind the contact so it wont push back in when it gets warm from the light, Please if you do this make sure the circuit is turned off best checked with a volt meter or non contact "tick tester" so you dont light yourself up.