Electrical advice concerning a 220v dryer outlet and circuit

circuit breakerelectricalwiring

I have a 220v line that feeds my electric stove, the line is accessible via a junction box in the basement. The line is fed from the service panel and is protected via 4 30 amp "cartridge" fuses.

My question is this: Can I run a line from the existing junction box to a new 220v outlet for my electric dryer? (new outlet would be less than 15ft from junction)
I know that technically the line can handle the load, and it "can" be done, I want to know is

  1. Is it legal in the state of Massachusetts to do such?
  2. will the (4) 30 amp cartridge fuses be adequate for the load?
    Original Cloth type wiring from service panel to the junction box exists, I would, of course, install appropriate wire for the dryer outlet.

All wires have been inspected by a licensed electrician and are in great condition.
All I want to do is add a second 220v outlet to the circuit already in place for the stove.

My 2 service panels

Best Answer

You have more problems than just connecting up a dryer. Buy the way in answer to your question. NO you can't tap a range feeder and supply a dryer with it.

First you say your range feeder is protected by cartridge fuses. That would mean that you have and old Edison Base Fuse Panel or worse. In this state the AHJ recommend that when we as electrical contractors go into a dwelling it is our job to recommend the owner replace them.

Second NEC Article 220.55 requires a separate circuit for household ranges. The size is determined by the nameplate rating of the range. Since we don't know what size range the homeowner is going to install, we usually run a 50A circuit which covers all ranges up to 12KW. The minimum circuit it requires is a #8 wire and an over current protection of 40A. So you need to replace the 30A circuit you currently have.

Third NEC Article 220.54 requires a separate circuit to be run for the dryer. and It needs to be able to handle 5KW or the nameplate rating whichever is larger. So a minimum circuit would be a 30A circuit.

So if you have the capability in you panel to install a 50A circuit for your range. I suppose you could run a new range circuit and use the old range circuit for the dryer and relabel your panel to reflect the change.

Hope this helps and good luck.