Electrical appliances on one outlet


Firstly, this is in France so we're talking 220V power.

I've got two new single/individual induction hobs. They're both 2100W at full blast. I'm replacing a double hob unit where one hob was 1900W and the second one was 1400W.
For one 20A fuse, there are two sockets in my kitchen. One socket has, on a power strip:

  1. a microwave – 1400W microwave and 1300W toasting both of which I do
    often, and 3100W max for oven duties which I never use.
  2. a small convection oven (2900W), almost daily use

It's the second socket I want to put these hobs on. But I don't know what to calculate to see if everything will be fine and would love some help with the maths.

What I know for sure, usage-wise…

  • I've had microwave and oven at full blast and both the old 1900W hob and the 1400W hob in use and never had problems.
  • The only time I'll ever go up to full blast (2100W) on the new hobs is when I'm boiling water and even then it'll only be on one, never on both.
  • Everyday cooking will hardly ever go above halfway, power-wise, so we're talking 1100-1300W max. But using both at that strength is common for my cooking.

Am I leaving anything out for someone help me out? Am I just adding up amps and that's that? Or is it more complicated than that? I'm asking now because before the hobs were 1900W and 1400W and now they both have the potential to be stronger. So, I'm concerned. And also, I'd simply like to learn about consumption more.


Best Answer

Simply if both of those kitchen outlets are supplied from the same circuit with the 20A fuse you have a problem.

The maximum available power is: 220VAC * 20A = 4400W.

It is usually recommended that a circuit be derated to 80% of it's fused capacity for loads that may be on for any length of time. That takes your recommended available usage to 3520W. So any usage combination the you come up with from that mix of loads that goes over 3520W is a hazard and should be avoided.

So ... you should definitely be considering the the addition of a new circuit to your kitchen for the new dual burner unit. Call in a professional electrician and they can tell you what you need to be safe and code compliant in your area.