Electrical – Baby proof 240V outlet(for air conditioning) in living room


I have a 240V outlet in living room. It is used for AC unit installed just above it. This outlet is very close to floor. Around 3 inches above floor. We have small baby in house and she has started crawling now. I need to baby proof this. I could not find any safety covers for 240V outlets anywhere. Amazon has many safety covers but all are for 120V standard two outlets. Here is the picture of this outlet and AC unit above it.
AC Unit and outlet

I cannot put anything in front of this as it would block AC. Any ideas on how I can block this part of wall from baby. Any idea is welcome.

Thanks, Sunil

Best Answer

I think that what you want is an In-Use Cover.

enter image description here

Secondly, baby fencing is a must. If you don't have some, or don't need it here, you'll need it somewhere. If you don't want to attach it to the wall (understandable), just set something heavy (like a box or bucket of stuff) on the inside and oustide of the fence to support it and keep baby from knocking it over.

enter image description here

EDIT- Mounting an in use box:

enter image description here

EDIT- Plate kit:

enter image description here