Electrical – Can conduit just be left laying on the ground


My contractor ran a 220V line from a box in our garage, through the rear wall of the house, to the rear kitchen wall to power the microwave and oven. Although the wires are encased in a PVC conduit, the line is just laying on the ground.

My understanding is that NEC requires the line be covered by at least 8 inches of dirt. My contractor says the line is NEC compliant. I checked with a PE Electrical Engineer and he said "No Way."

Should the line be buried?

Best Answer

No way. For PVC, it's actually 18" of cover.

352.10(G) Underground Installations. For underground installations, homogenous and nonhomogenous PVC shall be permitted for direct burial and underground encased in concrete. See 300.5 and 300.50.

NEC 2011 Table 300.5