Electrical – Ceiling fan wiring w/ 3 black, 3 white, 1 red, and 2 bare copper wires


I’m trying to wire a new ceiling fan in a house built in the 1920s.

From the ceiling there are:
3 black wires
3 white wires
1 red wire
2 bare copper wires

From the fixture there are:
1 black wire
1 white wire
1 blue wire
1 green/yellow wire

There is also a green/yellow wire from the mounting bracket. Any help would be appreciated.enter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description here]![enter image description here

Best Answer

Lets start again:

Unless you have turned off power at the breaker, keep both switches off once you have a fan in place without blades. Powering a fan without blades on can damage the fan.

You have determined the black wire on the left is the line hot, and it seems this must be connected to the lone white (repurposed as hot) next to it. This carries the line hot to both switches. (That white does connect to both switches, right?) In the same cable as this white a black comes from one switch and a red from the other comes from the other. Pick one (say the black) and connect it to the black and the blue leads of the indoor fan. A switch now controls the hot to the indoor fan.

Now connect the white lead of the fan to the two connected white wires (these are neutral). Connect the bare copper to the green w/ yellow stripe. At this point the fan would work but don't try it without the blades attached (could damage the fan motor) and don't put them on yet because you still have more wires to connect for the outside fan and the blades would be in the way.

If you want you could put the blades on and test the indoor fan, then take off one blade to give yourself room to make the further connections. But at this point I think there are only two wires not not connected the red and a black going to the outside fan. Connect these two wires to take switch hot to the outside fan.

Both fans should now work.