Electrical – Ceiling light goes off itself


My ceiling light goes off itself after 10 mins or sometimes even after an hour, no loose connection from the ceiling fixture and the switch, nothing seems loose even breaker too. How can i find the problem and what is causing to shut off itself? 5 LED bulbs was working fine about 2 years and suddenly went wrong? need help, thanks

Actually I am helping with my friend's living room ceiling fixture; they did not put any extra load on same circuit and bulbs could be issue but I really want to know it could be switch problem too. The light goes off slowly with a couple of flickers before it goes off, and you can not turn back on right away, even if you try to turn it on. I can only turn it on 5-10 mins after going off. It could be a switch issue, maybe the switch is not passing the power to the fixture. The funny thing is that when I opened the fixture, I did not see any transformer on the fixture. I don't know where it gets overheated if there is no transformer.

Best Answer

Have you recently added an appliance or other large load in the same circuit?

I had an interesting dilemma similar to this once. I kept changing a customer's bulbs as they were continuously blowing. It turns out that she had plugged a mini fridge into the bedroom outlet with an extension cord. The light was in the circuit after the fridge and was only getting about 40 volts when the fridge turned on, blowing the light. I moved the fridge and the problem was solved.