Electrical – Change half switched outlet


In my house I have various rooms where the builder installed a light switch which only activates (1) half/switched outlet. The problem is, the outlet they chose in most instances was stupid / non-ideal. I've done some electrical work (installed dimmer switches, timers for porch lights, etc), but by no means do I know how things are wired off the top of my head. Is it possible for me to change which outlets are turned on by the switch? Are all outlets potential or did they just run the circuit from the switch to that one outlet? What do I need to look for?

Best Answer

It would be easy to change the half switched outlet to always on (by replacing it), but not trivial to make the switch control a different outlet. There is a dedicated wire running from the switch to the top half of your outlet (see red wire below). To control a different outlet, you'd need to run that wire to it.

half switched outlet