Electrical – Coax and cat6 close to the main power trunk


I want to run coax (for a cable modem) and cat6 (for a phone connection) from the garage (where my cable and phone boxes are located) to my basement. The garage wall is not drywalled, so I can run both cables along the wall and then drill a hole at the bottom to run through to the basement. The problem is that the main power trunk runs in to the basement at this same point. I can probably keep the coax and cat 6 a maximum of 4 inches away from the power trunk at this point. Is that too close?

Away from this point I'd separate the coax and cat6 a lot more from the power. Is there anything I could put in the new hole to shield the coax/cat6 from the power?

My alternative is an ugly run in the garage on the outside of a drywalled wall before drilling through to the basement in another spot.

I know this question has been asked before, but I thought this is a slightly different version. I'm not trying to run low voltage in parallel with power over a long run. I just have 1 pinch point in the run and it's a doozy with the giant main power trunk running to the service panel.

Best Answer

I know there isn't a black and white answer on this one, but I'm going to post the decision I made as the answer (based on everyone's feedback).

It just felt too close to run the coax/cat6 4" from the main power lines. My handyman was able to cut out a small section of the drywall on the adjacent wall, run the coax/cat6 behind it and feed in to the basement in the next joist bay. I feel much better about this solution. Nagging internet issues can be tough to diagnose, so I want to get the best wiring I can up front.