Electrical – Coffee machine trips circuit breaker


Not always but it happens from time to time.
A technician visited for this issue and at that time we couldn't reproduce the situation but he observed my coffee machine hit very high ampere like 9 or 11A at the beginning very shortly. but breaker unit can hold 20A. We guessed even though the reader couldn't catch it but it could reach to 20A or nearby threshold point. Anyway, he replaced the break unit with another and said let's see what would happen.
Later, I have the same problem one or two times a week again.

Now, I wonder if there is any high current holding outlet so that it prevent high current from flowing in a very short moment?

Or, is this coffee machine problem?

Best Answer

It sounds like there is other equipment on this circuit of which you are unaware. Perhaps your refrigerator? It's a common intermittent load in kitchens that could easily pop a breaker in combination with a coffee maker.

Your electrician should have measured amperage draw inside the electrical panel when he swapped out the breaker.

Invite the electrician back over, for some coffee.

You can use a Watts-Up or Kill-a-Watt meter to measure the coffee maker's draw at the outlet:wattsupkill-a-watt

And the electrician should have an amp clamp to measure at the breaker.