Electrical – combine two power lines from power company


My house used to have two residents. So there are two 110v power sources from power company. Now I want to combine them into one so I can have bigger current. Is it possible and how?

Best Answer

Possibly, but it's pointless

If you measure phase to phase on the two circuits and get 0V AC then you could short the two hot lines (and two neutrals) together and no current will flow (theoretically).

But what did you accomplish? Assuming, you don't fry yourself or burn down your house in the process... you started with 2 electrical boxes with X capacity each. You now have one box with 2X capacity (best case).

The wiring in the walls and the circuits themselves (building codes) are still limited to their original values (typically 10A-20A).

All you did was eliminate one electrical box at the cost of opening most of the walls in your house and moving the wires. You didn't add any circuits, you didn't increase the total site capacity.


If you want more outlets just wire some of them to one box and some to the other.

Consult a qualified electrician.