Electrical – connect a 120V outlet to a 240v well house supply


My well house is 300 plus feet away from our house. The pump is 240 and when we built the house the electrician ran a 3-wire from the main panel to the well house. This is the only power source in the well house. It has been getting very cold and I would like to add some sort of heat lamp or heat tape to keep it from freezing. Looking on line it seems adding a sub-panel would not work with 3-wire. Would it be safe to add a 240 range outlet and buy a cord designed to reduce 240 to 120? Seems to be used a bunch when someone goes from an electric range to a gas range. Any other options? Any help is appreciated.Thanks!

Best Answer

You are thinking of a tap rule and that would not be safe in this case because you only have 3 wire no neutral. There are 220v heaters but I would suggest good insulation on the pipes and letting a faucet trickle so the pump kicks on every 5 minutes or so, I have done this in several homes and not had frozen pipes even in the low single digits and -f but I did loose some plumbing in the barn that now has heat tape luckily we had water in the house and could shut the feed to the barn off until we got the pipes fixed.