Electrical – Control individual bulbs in a 6-can dimmer series


This is a complicated question, and maybe there is no way to do it, BUT…
I currently have a 6-can series dimmer in my basement (home theater) aligned in 3 pairs. I would like to be able to control pairs of cans individually. For instance, when watching a movie, I would like to be able to completely turn off the bulbs in the first pair nearest to the screen, while allowing the middle pair immediately above my seating position to be dimmed to say 5-10%, and the last pair behind my seating position to be completely off. There are times though that I would want all the bulbs completely on. I bought 6 dim-able smart bulbs and an Echo Dot thinking I could replace the current bulbs with these, set the dimmer switch to be completely on all the time, and configure the Echo to be able to do what I just described. However, it seems my Lutron dimmer switch won't stay in full mode with these bulbs, so I put back the old bulbs.

Does anyone know how I might accomplish what I'm trying to do? Can I just replace the dimmer switch with a normal switch to turn all lights on/off and then use my smart bulbs and Echo to control the lighting? If so, is there anything special I have to do in the wiring to change over from dimmer to normal switch? Is there such a thing as a smart dimmer switch that would allow me to control "zones" of lights in a single series of cans, somehow?

I know this is probably an oddball request, but am hoping someone out there would have a decent solution to my desire.


Best Answer

  • Putting back a standard (on/off) switch should allow you to use your smart bulbs. According to the Lutron website, there is no special wiring to do that.
  • Another solution would be to have 3 Lutron dimmers side by side, and redoing the wiring to your 3 pairs of bulbs. Ouch.
  • Another solution would be to use 3 "professional" lighting dimmers, but that would also require new wires, electrical and control ones...
    Good luck!