Electrical – Did the home sustain lightning damage due to inadequate grounding rod installation


I have a home that has been a victim of lightning strikes to electrical sources with in our home. The most recent chain of events is my furnace & Electric hot water heater both malfunctioning on the same day a day after a group of storms came thru the area. Our house was built with I. Very close proximity to underground ledge. Is it possible the grounding rod is not doing proper grounding because of the closeness to the ledge where the ledge may be absorbing the hit & transferring to the electrical grid of the house.

Best Answer

Even with a good solid ground a strike on the grid can damage equipment to the point of blowing the breaker panel to pieces with a hit that is close to the house. For indirect hits a whole house surge suppressor (the largest you can afford) may reduce or eliminate damage to home equipment. I state to use the largest you can afford as when these devices take a hit over their ratings they are damaged, sometimes wiping out the varistors in the device so it has to be repaired or replaced (larger units usually have replacement modules for each leg or phase depending on the service type).