Electrical – Do all horizontal-surface mount outlets need to be “floor receptacles?”


I have a horizontal surface that borders a room – basically a wall, but with a 6" jog in it about 4' off the floor that serves as a ledge or shelf. I'd like to put a couple outlets on this surface. Would this surface require that I use "floor mount" receptacles (the kind with seals and moisture barriers)?

I get the use of floor receptacles on floors: someone is probably going to run a mop over it at some point, etc. I could see the possibility maybe of someone spilling a drink if they put a glass onto this "shelf". I'm really trying to understand the Code here; I'm not trying to cut corners. A floor receptacle would work. There are more aesthetically-pleasing, cheaper, and easier to install (in my case) options if I'm not required to have one, though.


Best Answer

You are correct in assuming that your ledge is not a floor. The NEC would define it as a work surface or a countertop. That would lead you to NEC 406.5 (E) & (F) which would tell you that the device installation must be GFCI protected and listed for countertop and work surfaces. Most of the ones that I have seen are the pop-up type. A standard flush mount wall receptacle will not work.

FYI. My other concern would be whether or not this 6" ledge top is a 2x6 plate on the top of a frame. Not that it matters code wise but cutting and mounting into it may pose to be a problem. You might want to confirm how this wall was constructed and plan it out before proceeding to cut holes in it.

Good Luck