Electrical – Does voltage in the PC’s case indicate a circuit grounding problem


Today I was on my computer, and I wanted to plug in an external battery powered speaker to my PC's front audio jack using an AUX cable.

I noticed as soon as I plugged it in the familiar burning smell when something like a capacitor or resistor burns out, so I immediately unplugged everything and noticed that the AUX cable was very hot. After I had a poke around inside my computer, I couldn't really see anything that looked damaged. After I had a go turning it on again, the audio still worked (through the rear jack) so it looks like it didn't blow the sound part of my motherboard.

However, after doing some more investigating, I noticed I could feel a slight tingle on my computer case when touching the case and what I think is a grounded point in my house (touching the shielding of a coax cable coming out of my wall). After making sure my PC was plugged into a grounded socket, I still felt this sensation. Even weirder, when I unplugged the case, I still felt the sensation when touching the grounded point.

Could this mean there is something wrong with my ground and it always has some potential running through it?

Best Answer

I concur with your theory that the case is under power. This may be due to a ground fault in the PC's power supply. It could also be some other appliance raising ground due to its ground fault combining with a gap in the grounding system.

It's possible to have "islanded grounds" where a bunch of equipment grounds connect to each other, but do not connect to the actual earth. In an islanded-ground situation, you have the lowest common denominator; a ground fault on any of them lights up all of them.

The Equipment Safety Grounding System (outlet to panel), combined with the Grounding Electrode System (panel to ground rods), should be handling that properly. I'd say it's time to give both systems a heavy inspection with a 10 foot pole... sorry, I mean with a fine-tooth comb.

If your grounding electrode system is faulty, that's where the 10-foot poles come in.