Electrical – Doorbell constantly rings even after replacing switch


This is a newer home in the US (fewer than 10 years old). The doorbell started ringing all the time. Disconnected button and it stopped. Replaced the button with a new button, and it stayed on all the time again. Touch the two wires together that connect to the button and it rings, and stops ringing when they are disconnected.

Both the original and replacement buttons were lighted. In testing the new button with a multi-meter, there was a continuous connection (with some resistance) even when the button was unpressed, and a completed connection with no resistance when it was pressed.

I disassembled the new switch and removed the LED from the circuit, and now it works as expected – ringing the doorbell when the button is depressed, but not ringing when it is not. But the doorbell is no longer lighted.

What do I need to check (or replace) to allow a lighted switch to work?

Best Answer

What voltage does the doorbell run on and is the pushbutton rated for the same voltage? Might be mismatched. Other thought is maybe moisture is getting into the pushbutton which is affecting the led.