Electrical – Electric going out in half of house


I have 3 rooms that lose power on my main floor and 3 that still have power with no breakers being set off. One of the rooms is the kitchen but the stove still works. Actually when the power goes off in those 3 rooms and you turn on a stove burner the power immediately comes back on. I have changed almost all of the sockets in the 3 rooms and it has almost stopped completely but still goes off a few times a day. I have a few more to go and then will get into the breaker box I guess. Any other advice?

Best Answer

You have lost a phase. Your stove, once switched on, is backfeeding through the phase that isn't working. You are looking for a burnt lug or wiring probably in the meter base or panel. If you can't see any burnt or discoloring, you will need to turn off your stove and then check for voltage at the load side of all of your breakers.

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You're looking for something like this.