Electrical – EMT Grounding requirements


I'am running 2" EMT from an outside enclosure through the exterior wall into a switch room that is being attached with beam clamps, The EMT is carrying a Fiber optic cable feed to the switch room that converts to PVC upon entering the room, can I ground the EMT outside using a ground bushing with a ground rod or does it have to be grounded to the building ground?
The EMT is dedicated to the fiber only.

Best Answer

You don't need to ground a hamster run, either.

Suppose you had a hamster habitat. And instead of fiber optic, you were using this EMT to extend the hamster habitat to an outdoor maze. Would this habitat run require grounding *solely due to using EMT as a building material? Of course not. That would be silly.

Well, as far as NEC is concerned, fiber-optic cable that has no DC wires running it counts the same as a hamster. It simply does not count for anything at all, and is completely out of its jurisdiction.

The only time fiber-optic cable is in NEC's jurisdiction is when you intermix it in a conduit with electrical wires. But even then, they consider it disregardable if there is nothing metallic in it.