Electrical – Figuring out the correct way to connect a duct fan (europe)


I found a new old duct fan in a garage sale, the seller said he bought it around 10 years ago, never used it. Anyways, it was in pristine condition inside its plastic wrap but came without a box and with a tiny instruction leaflet, the only markings I found as to what it is is just stylized "CATA" written on the leaflet.

Anyways, on the backside its got 3 electrical connector marked N, L and SL. The leaflet explains(in german) that blue wire -> N, brown wire -> L and black wire -> SL.

So that's what's confusing me. There is no black wire here and while N would probably be neutral, I have no clue as to what the L or SL are. I think the L should be the hot wire (being brown) but I can't be sure.

Anybody got any insight into this?


I found this diagram while looking for "CATA" duct fans, it also has the N L and SL markings and I think sticking the blue wire in N and brown into both L and SL should make it work?

Still strange though, if they wanted the hot wire in SL for a switch, why also have it also permanently connected to the L? Might have something to do with the "TIMER" potentiometer on its backside..

enter image description here

Best Answer

L = line, SL = switched line. It may be that the fan can be configured to run for a number of minutes after the light is turned off. It's probably a bathroom fan.