Electrical – getting arcing on the neutral bus in a sub-panel


I installed a sub panel from a main and am getting arcing on the sub panel neutral bar and neutral circuit wires are becoming discolored in sub panel. I checked for grounding of sub panel neutral bar and there is none. I removed all sub panel circuit wires and still had arcing. I Double checked wiring from main all was good. Voltage check on sub panel bus is fine. What could cause this arcing of neutral bar?

Best Answer

Loose lug nuts can lose you a race. Loose neutral lugs can lose you your house

The arcing and failing branch circuit neutral connections in the subpanel are likely doing so because they're loose (i.e. insufficiently torqued). Retightening them isn't enough though -- you will need to get a torque screwdriver in, turn the subpanel off, undo all the neutral screws, cut the burnt ends off the wires and restrip them, then reinstall and torque the neutral lugs to specification with the torque screwdriver.