Electrical – How many recessed lights should I install in the living room


I've got a 18" x 12" living room that I want to install recessed lights into but I am stuck as to if I should install 6 or 8 lights (6 inch each). 6 already "looks" like there are a bunch of holes in the ceiling and I Just feel like 8 may be too crowed. but then again, what if 6 doesn't provide enough light? What do you guys think?

Best Answer

The questions you are asking are two fold.

1: How much light do I need to provide good visibility in this room - Lumens / Coverage.

2: Aesthetically what will this look like - good or awful ? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

What is the layout of the six lights ? You did not mention - 3 and 3 along the long length or otherwise.

See the example below I think it will help you to decide. get a lamp of at least 800 lumens - you can get 75 watt equivalent for your recess assemblies which would be about 1000 lumens and that would make the area really bright. LEDs are pretty cheap and I would suggest you use them as well.

enter image description here