Electrical – How to deal with a full ground bus bar in an electrical panel


My (main) GE panel's ground bus bar is full. Is it better form to

a) put multiple ground wires in the same hole

b) put some of the ground wires in the neutral section

My research seems to suggest that either option is safe and code-legal. Is one considered a better approach? Some people seem to be wary of putting ground wires in the same hole, but this seems to just be a misapplication of the rules for neutral wires?

Best Answer

Seeing that this is your main panel the ground bar, neutral bar and the metal of panel should be bounded, usually with a bonding screw, in some way. So putting the new ground wires on the neutral bar is okay. Now with that said, if you don't want to do that, why not add another ground bar if you have the space? If you look at the sides, top or bottom of the panel you may see holes (with a ground symbol) for another ground bar to screw down to. If you see this turn off the power and add the bar.