Electrical – How to determine if adding an air conditioner will overload a circuit

air-conditioningcircuit breakerelectrical

I'm going to take advantage of some Memorial Day sales and pull the trigger on a portable AC unit for my "basement-ish" (bottom of windowsill is mid chest, rather than head height) apartment. Before I do this, however, I've been researching online, and I want to make sure that I don't buy something that's going to overload the electric circuit it'll be connected to.

For the bedroom, the breaker indicates 15 Amps. The circuit will additionally have a desktop computer, two LCD displays, and a couple of lights. How can I tell if a new AC unit plus the existing items is going to cause tripped breakers or worse?

Best Answer

The only way to know what load a device draws is to put the device in to service and measure the load. The rating on the back is interesting, but many factors affect actual loads. An easy way to measure real loads is with a Kill-A-Watt.

Expect breakers to trip at 80% of rating, under continuous load. So 12A in your case.