Electrical – How to do about an electrical service panel that is next to the gas service meter


I have to upgrade my electrical service panel from knob & tube to current grounded code. The house is on bedrock and ground is the water pipe entry in the garage more than thirty feet away. Now it appears the service panel may need to be relocated due to the proximity of the gas service meter. The house was built in 1956, in San Mateo County, California.

What should I do about this situation?

enter image description here

Best Answer

I would contend that the gas meter was installed in the wrong place. It clearly was installed long after the house was built and the original electrical panel installed. I would first ask the gas utility to move their mater. I would state that a 'home inspection' found the situation a hazard and are now asking to have the gas meter moved out of safety concerns. In fact, 'my' home owners insurance may become void without reparations. It doesn't hurt to try. They certainly have more resources to make this kind of a change than you do; not to mention the fact that they are the ones that put the meter is a hazardous and non-code compliant location. If you wanted to get hard nosed about it, I am sure you could find a lawyer who would love to help.