Electrical – How to do about nonmetallic sheathed cable that was wet


The wire running to my dryer (240V) got wet from a leaking AC window unit directly above on second floor and tripped the breaker. I saw the ground wire paper was damp after removing the outlet cover and so I let it sit for a week. Tried breaker today but it tripped again. I removed the outlet and capped the wire ends but it still flips the breaker.

Leak issue was fixed last week so no additional moisture.

Am I doing any harm (or risk) just waiting for it to dry out and flipping the breaker back on every few days?

Best Answer

The water alone was NOT what tripped the breaker. Water alone does not cause shorts and arcs. You have another issue somewhere in that cable run. Check every connection, box, splice, etc.

And yes, you could be doing more damage to the wire or breaker by repeatedly trying the breaker and tripping it so many times.

On another note, if you only have 12/3 going to a typical electric dryer (in the US I assume) that is NOT the correct cable. An electric dryer requires 10/3 on a 30A breaker.