Electrical – How to get the fluorescent 4-tube under-cabinet lights to come on reliably


How do I get my fluorescent 4-tube under-cabinet lights to come on reliably?

When they have been on a while and just been turned off they will reliably come on again immediately with no flicker. When they have been off for a while, they will not come on reliably. I plug and unplug repeatedly and will sometimes get a flash of light, sometimes not. Finally one of the times I replug, the lights will all suddenly come on with no flicker. Once on they stay on fine.

This has gradually gotten worse so that now often I cannot get them to come on at all. These were working fine and have not been disturbed except that the power went off when they were on. They never come on when I leave them plugged in — only when just plugged in. Other things work fine in that outlet and the same problem occurs if I plug the lights into other outlets. I have replaced the plug, cutting off the last bit of wire coming into the plug. These are at room temperature (70-71 degrees.) This is an expensive unit with wood ends that match the cabinets so I would prefer not to replace the unit.

This is urgent as it is the sole lighting for indoor bonsai trees which are starting to lose leaves from lack of this light. (I've tried moving them elsewhere temporarily but they are valuable and very sensitive and need their watering recalibrated for the temporary location's conditions and meanwhile they are declining. I want to put them back in their permanent location as soon as I can.)

Best Answer

It sounds like you may need to replace the ballast. They do age and eventually do need to be replaced, though not nearly as frequently as the tubes themselves.

fluorescent ballast