Electrical – How to make lights turn on one at a time


So we've all seen this scene dozens of times in movies: a character flips a switch and lights turn on, one at time, down a long tunnel, or throughout a giant garage, or something like that.

I'd like to mimic the effect in my garage and patio, so that all the lights don't come on at once and blind you. But how would I make this effect? From my (limited)research, I can't really find a legitimate electrical or mechanical reason for lights to turn on this way.

Best Answer

The easiest thing for you (still requires DIY though) is to buy these - or something similar. They are time delay relays - now you get several versions/modes.

Something like this (PDF)

enter image description here

On/Off Cycle - is what you are looking for i guess. You also get, Interval,Delay-On-Make, Re-Triggerable Single-Shot, etc

Then say you got 5 lights you set and mark each relay from 1-5 setting the delay 1sec,2sec,3sec,4sec,5sec.

Then you attach each of the relays in the order you want the lights to be on (you will know the order because you marked the relay with a number, yea ;) )


you will be left to build your own relays, circuits and logics... to much work.

Which of course you can find all the info (here)

enter image description here

C1 1 See Notes (at link)

R1 1 See Notes (at link)

D1 1 1N914 Diode

U1 1 4011 CMOS NAND Gate IC

K1 1 6V Relay

S1 1 Normally Open Push Button Switch

MISC 1 Board, Wire, Socket For U1


I found this on EBAY- a guy in Poland, near my home town actaully.. wierd.. buildts theses babies! Solid State Relays controlled via USB - if you meassage him i am sure he will tweak and build you something to your needs :)


enter image description here

AND another here..

enter image description here