Electrical – how to run conduit past/over wide stone foundation


I'm planning to run 1" conduit to power an outdoor sauna. In digging the trench, I discovered that my old stone foundation runs outwards from the house. That is, while the inside cellar wall is straight up and down, on the outside it is built down and away from the house. At the conduit depth (~18") it's about 12" away from the house.

How should I run the conduit up and through the wall? Can i run conduit right at ground level for the last few inches and go straight through the wall (actually a panel of CDX that replaced an old cellar window)?

I was originally planning on doing this the traditional way – conduit up with a 90 º sweep to a LB through the wall. This won't work unless i put in an otherwise extraneous 90 º sweep right at the end… and I'm not sure if there's room for that given the rather small size of that CDX panel. Here's a sketch:

enter image description here

Best Answer

Your bigger problem is running out of allowable bends (or pullable bends between access points,since pulling near the max allowable is a bugbear and often beyond the ability or available tools of DIYers. You end up humiliatingly having to call an electrican simply for the pull, and once called they want the whole job.

I would consider a conduit body right at the upper vertical bend.

Conduit bodies are 90 degrees, so I would add a slight ~20 degree bend onto the short conduit coming out of the access panel, to tuck it upward slightly, so it is perpendicular to the angle of the outside wall. Then, when you make your 90 degree with your conduit body, you come down at the correct angle. That will also mean you face less than 180 degrees of bend through the underground section, still in the DIY-pullable range.