Electrical – How to run wiring around an inside corner


I am working in a garage and need to run electrical wire through a corner. I cannot go over the corner through the ceiling (a long story), and going through the studs at a right angle will be a significant challenge.

Since this is a garage, I'm ok if the wire comes out of the sheet rock. Can I just have the wire come out through the sheetrock, in a conduit, go around the corner, and then have it go back into the second wall?

Or must the wire go to a box on the first wall, come out of the box in a conduit, then go into a box on the second wall and then continue on?

Thanks for the repliess – I think the trunking is the way to go. I just don't know if I need to have an electrical box on each wall at the exit and entry points (?) or can I just come in and out directly, assuming the wire is within the trunk while outside the wall?…


Best Answer

If you are having issues with drilling the corner, realize that you can make the job significantly more possible with an ordinary drill if you don't try to hold it level - shift the wire up or down a few inches as well as taking it around the corner, and the hole becomes much easier to drill.

As for your question about the approach using conduit, that's going to depend on the LAHJ (local authority having jurisdiction) a.k.a. "the building inspector", if you are subject to inspection. Generally better to ask them first, than to try and convince them that the internet said X would be OK...what is acceptable in one local area may not be in another, and in some cases what's acceptable in the same area will vary with inspector (probably shouldn't, but often does, even so.)