Electrical – How to seal around an outdoor rated wall mounted luminary


What's the proper way to seal a exterior wall mounted luminary from water entry? I was unable to find one for purchase with any sort of gasket, and it appears that any water sheeting down the wall will simply pass through the fixture:

sealing recessed round junction box in stucco

The pictured fixture reads "suitable for wet locations" on UL sticker, and is from a respected brand. There's a weep hole at the marked bottom. I checked every wall mount fixture at several home and building supply stores and they all had the same basic design.

Caulk is an option of course, but caulk must be maintained over time. A retrofit 'mounting block' might help, but those need caulk also. Are there better options for keeping the inside of the light reasonably dry?

Best Answer

What's the proper way to seal a exterior wall mounted luminary from water entry?

Caulk it with a high-quality, paintable silicone caulk like this. I have been using this caulk for 8 - 10 years and have never had to re-caulk after applying it.

enter image description here