Electrical – How to ‘share’ lights between multiple circuits


I am installing a rectangle of 3 x 4 recessed can lights in the ceiling and would like to have 4 separate circuits where each individual row of lights can be illuminated by its own switch.

This means that the lamp in each corner would be lit if either or both of the switches for those rows are closed. Four possible combinations are shown here:

enter image description here

I looked at relays and multi-way switches but could not find an example of how the corner lights can be wired and still only use four switches.

If anybody could point me in the right direction, that would be great. Thanks.

Best Answer

The problem is, whenever you turn one set of lights on, power can go through that shared light into the other circuit. So each switch controls all lights. While it -might- be possible to make 2 light groups (1 common light) work the way you want with two 4-way switches back-wired through each other, you're asking for something even more complicated. Each switch interacts with 2 others, which means you'd need at least triple-circuit switches (likely paired 4-ways). I don't think they make those. Certainly not in home light switch form-factors.

This will be much easier if you start with home-automation tools. Most vendors make an in-wall module for a slave device; then you just need to install and configure smart switches to manage them. Or you could go for all wifi bulbs, and have the option of other light patterns if you wanted. And maybe even programmable color.