Electrical – How to wire new outlet? (US)4 sets of wires


Last night I had an outlet short out. From opening it and seeing the type, I can see why. I've installed and changed outlets, motors, etc before, but this one has me a bit stumped. There are two sets of wires to the top, and two to the bottom of the outlet, not just your typical line and load which you would pigtail. How would I go about wiring this to your typical household outlet? There's no gcfi.

enter image description here

Best Answer

Group all like wires together, so the 4 white, the 4 black, the 4 ground, each color separate from the others. Add a pigtail (short length of wire) of the same color to each group of wires, and wire nut them together. Connect the pigtail to the appropriate spot on the outlet