Electrical – How to wire up a yurt


This yurt 30 ft. diameter; area is 700 sq. ft. ; circumference is 90 ft.

The walls are lath lattice covered with canvas. There's no interior wall space to run Romex like a regular house. You can't attach electrical boxes to the walls, either.

Some yurts have interior partition walls that hold wiring (and plumbing!) but not this one.
One option is to put flush-mount outlets in the floor. These seem to cost about $50 / ea., which adds up when you're talking about one every 12 ft. around the perimeter. They also require cutting rather large holes in the floor.

Outlets aren't the only concern: some ambient lighting from lamps hanging from the rafters are also on the docket. How to bring the wiring up the rafters?

Some yurts have additional framing in the form of 2x4s under each rafter:

Snow and Wind Kit

This yurt does not have them, but I could add a few them as needed to support wiring infrastructure. I imagine I could run EMT up from the floor to a recep, then up to a light switch, and then up to the rafters for lighting.

How should I proceed?

Best Answer

The first idea that comes to mind for me, if you don't want to do the floor mounted outlets, is to run the boxes like you would in an exterior deck. Use weather tight conduit to exterior outlet boxes. And put the entire circuit on a GFCI breaker.

Here are a few product links: