Electrical – Illuminated Mirror Wiring


I've purchased an illuminated mirror (with a built in light strip around the outside) for my bathroom remodel. I'm trying to figure out the best way to wire it.

I have the wiring prepped for a new outlet in the wall behind the mirror. The back of the mirror is flat, and sits flush against the wall. The electric connection for the mirror is a wire with un-terminated ends. The instructions provided for wiring are below:

enter image description here

Options I'm considering:

  1. Based on the instructions, in appears the suggestion is similar to a ceiling fan or light fixture, wire-nut the wires to the mains connection, stuff it inside a wall-box, and conceal with the mirror. Will this satisfy code? Is there a faceplate I should be using with the wall-box?

  2. Install a recessed outlet, terminate the mirror wires in the flattest grounded plug I can find, and hope the plug isn't proud of the wall so the mirror can sit flush

Or any other suggestions?

Best Answer

I would double check the manufacturer instructions they may state the mirror is the cover just like a light fixture when mounted. A cover plat makes a slight bulge and could crack the mirror depending on how it mounts.