Electrical – In a multi-gang box, are neutral wires paired with specific hot wires


I have a four-gang box that I'm installing new dimmers in. Currently all of the neutral (white) wires coming into the box are connected together (and not to the dimmers). The new dimmers require connections to the neutrals.

There are three bundles of wires coming into the box, two of them having their own triads of hot, neutral, and ground. The third bundle has two triads of hot, neutral, and ground wires.

Schematic of junction box

In this third bundle, it's unclear which neutral is paired with which hot. Does this matter when connecting my new dimmer or can the dimmer be connected to any random pair of neutral and hot wires?

Best Answer

This is a single circuit, and the neutral is common to all branches of this circuit. In this case, all neutral wires in this box must be connected together.

Similarly (and this is regardless of single or multiple circuits/breakers) all grounds must be connected to each other, as well as to the box itself.

In the case of your switches, they simply need a neutral to operate the electronics in the switch itself. All you need to do is wire the neutral to each switch. You'll probably have to add pigtails, and probably additional wire nuts (purely for convenience).

Just to illustrate, using your schematic, I added the neutral lines (my changes highlighted in yellow):

enter image description here

The number and placement of wire nuts is not important, other than you need to pay attention to the number and size of wires when choosing wire nuts (they have a rating that will say how many wires of a given gauge they support).