Electrical – Indicator with two-way switch


We have a two way switch for an exhaust fan. The fan is out of sight from the switches.

So, the problem we face is we have no clue if the fan is on or off looking at the switch.

I tried to see if there are two-way switches with indicators attached (like this one for a one-way switch).

But there are none. They have a stand-alone indicator lamp, however.

Will it be OK if I connect the stand-alone indicator lamp is series with the exhaust fan?

BTW, this is at home on a 220-240V 5A circuit.

Best Answer

If you want a solution that doesn't require running any additional wires, you might consider getting a couple of 1000:1 current transformers. Run the common leg of each switch through a transformer, and put a couple of back-to-back diodes across the secondary. If one (or both) of those diodes is an LED, it will light up whenever load current is flowing in the circuit.

For example, 5 amps of load current will put 5 mA through the LED. But modern LEDs will light up quite nicely on much lower currents.