Electrical – Is it safe to leave light socket without a light bulb


We have several light sockets with light bulbs, controlled by a single light switch. I don't need that much light, so I want to remove a couple of light bulbs from their sockets.

Is that safe ?

In my case the sockets are pretty high up on the ceiling, and there is no danger of accidentally putting a finger in there.

Best Answer

Depends on what you mean by "safe". I wouldn't entirely trust it with a kid in the house, but it's probably fine for adults.

On the other hand, you can make it a bit safer by screwing in a dead bulb (which, like everyone, you'll acquire over time), or one of the edison-base-to-outlet adapters available at hardware stores. I'd consider either of those approaches reasonably child-resistant, especially given that the fixture is presumably out of reach of kids anyway. Not worth the effort, I expect, but you did ask.