Electrical – is it safe to use a microwave with the outside glass missing


The outer glass on our microwave shattered recently. The part can no longer be purchased. Two related questions:

  1. Is it still safe to operate?
  2. Can the shattered glass be replaced with plexiglass? It won't look as good, but it'll be an improvement.

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Best Answer


The glass doesn't stop the microwaves. The mesh does.

However, without that glass in place, the chance of something else going wrong - e.g., that foil coming off or some other part coming loose, is drastically increased.

As far as replacing with plastic, I definitely don't recommend it. I'm not against plastic for certain repairs - e.g., quick fix for a broken taillight cover. But for a microwave oven door where the risks are really high if something goes wrong, absolutely not.

This falls into the "what you don't know can really hurt you" category. Unlike a conventional oven (just "heat", which you can feel as it melts the plastic you put in there, producing toxic fumes, etc.), with a microwave oven you could undergo serious bodily injury and not know it is happening until it is too late.

No. Just no.