Electrical – Is the A/C circuit break worn out

air-conditioningcircuit breakerelectrical

My secondary A/C unit has been drawing too much current and trips the breaker. It has happened about 4 times.

Yesterday, I spent a bit of money to replace the whole A/C and furnace with one which is supposedly energy efficient. After the workers left having installed and check the new system, the breaker tripped again.

Do you think it's the circuit breaker that has weakened or the new system might be drawing still too much current?

I guess my question is does a circuit breaker get weak after being tripped several times?

It was pretty warm when I turned the breaker back on.
Thanks in advance for the answer.

Best Answer

If the breaker is sized accordingly for the system running on it, then no, it should not be tripping. That said, yes, breakers can wear out. How old is the breaker?

Next question, Does the wiring for the A/C near the box feel warm? It really should not. If it does, I suspect a loose connection or HIGH resistance connection between the A/C and the breaker. It is possible the wiring in the panel is loose, but the HVAC company should have checked that.

Did the old unit trip as well? it is a sign something is wrong with the wiring or the breaker, and if you told the HVAC company that, then they should have checked or one of you called an electrician before connecting the circuit.