Electrical – Is this an adequate junction box wire job using a standard electric box? (pic included)


I needed to splice a wire to repair nicked wire insulation, but I didn't feel like running to Lowe's just for a junction box. Instead, I used a regular electrical box.

Sorta junction box

The wire comes up from the floor and into the bottom of the box. The repair piece comes in from the top and will be wired up to the electrical outlet. I twisted the wires together with pliers and nutted them all up real tight. There are no exposed conductors outside the nuts.

I flipped on the power and, to my surprise, it worked! However, before I seal up the wall, I want to know if I did this right.

Best Answer

It looks good, but the romex sheath on the bottom cable has to come into the box for it to be correct. I can't see that area to make that call, but if you have sheath then you have done good.