Electrical – Junction Box size/type requirement


Can a standard blue junction box be used for indoor wiring purpose?

Lets say I have one single gang box of 24 cu. in. which is placed as junction box to connect three 14/2 cables inside it. I know its within the box size. But does a junction box for this reason has to be specific one, I meant more deeper/wider ?

Edited: Added a picture to help other newbie.
enter image description here


Best Answer

Yes you can use a “device” box as a junction box.

The same rules apply you have to securely mount it. wires stapled within 8” (my inspectors do not consider the alligator clamps good for 12”)

and it will need a solid cover.

I have done this throughout my career as long as the box is stamped or you use the chart from the code book for fill it is code compliant to use as a simple splice / junction box.