Electrical – Lights start flickering on Luminous inverter when I connect the Desktop CPU


I am using luminous solar nxg 1100 solar inverter. At my home, I have 4 fans, one tv, 10 led lights, 3 laptops and a desktop. All the equipments work fine when there is main supply. If there is no main power, everything works fine if I do not connect the destop . But as soon as I connect my desktop ,all led light starts flickering.First I thought, it may be the overload problem of the inverter. But later I see if I switch off all the lights,disconnect all laptops & Tv, after that if I connect only an LED of 12 watt and the cpu, the led starts flickering. The flickering only starts when desktop is powered by inverter.

Best Answer

PCs, especially cheap PCs, have pretty big power supplies. The "850 watt" power supply actually draws over 1200 watts. It sounds like your PC is simply too much for the system. It may be necessary to downsize the PC, maybe get rid of performance video cards, get a smaller power supply, etc. One of the "micro-PCs or a Mac Mini would be a great choice.

You can also look at a DC power supply for the PC, so it draws directly off your battery instead of needing to go through the inverter.

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