Electrical – Loss of power when I remove item from the outlet


I have this unusual electrical issue in our master bedroom. I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this.

We have this $3 LED night light in our bedroom and when we take it out, the power/lights go out. Other things also trip it up (It doesn't shut off the circuit breaker) When you put it back in, the power/lights come back on. Sort of reverse of what I would expect. Something is triggering the power to go off. I've reset the breaker, but still experiencing the issue. I believe it's a special AFCI breaker. Wondering if anyone has experienced this before.

Best Answer

Defective receptacle.

Kill it with fire, before it kills you with fire.

And if it has backstab connections (wires jabbed in back holes that auto-grab them) this is a good time to get rid of em. Because they cause this kind of mischief too.