Electrical – Need Tips for Mounting screw-in Slider electrical Boxes


I know they've been around awhile but I'm still kind of new to them. I occasionally have to mount these Allied slider boxesenter image description here in new and old work situations, and sometimes they go in perfectly with no problems. However, yesterday I couldn't get them straight to save my life.enter image description here Yesterday was an especially difficult case because the upward angle of the screws and proximity with the countertop made mounting fairly awkward.enter image description here
I just find it too easy to get one screw slightly off course, and then the slider twists the whole box. This causes the box to telescope forward at odd angles when you try to slide it out later. enter image description hereOnce a screw sinks into wood, it really wants to find that same hole again even if I try to readjust away from it. Anyway, I'm looking for tips from anyone who knows what I'm talking about.enter image description hereHow do you get these things dead on, every time?

Best Answer

Use a small angle head drill and drill pilot holes - as you say the screw follows the existing hole.